with energy storage. -- synchronize grenoble's with energy storage. these centers have published more than a thousand papers, filed patents, very productive. as are the hubs. the budget asks for $250 million to fun rpe. they received moneys over the last four years and received private capital funding, after they did the research. this is based on the strong performance and early successes. we think this is money very well spent and we are asking for an additional increase in funding. to nuclear security. we're asking for 11.5 billion dollars sna to support the objectives. let me walk you through this. this means we are responsible for our weapons systems. we're also trying to lock down all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world. we are responsible for work and non-proliferation. in terms of the budget in order to reduce the dangers, environmental risks, we asked for $7.6 billion to maintain a safe nuclear deterrent. to put five brand dollars for our non-proliferation work. $5.7 billion to clean up the cold war legacy. with that i give it back