minimum is making them repay the debt and the compensate for the destruction they have. course. gretchen berg is also demanding justice for those already fighting on the front lines of the looming disaster who are feeling the effects of what the countries of the global north have caused. some people say that we are one in the same boat, but of course we are not only in se, boat, we are in the same storm but not in the same boat. many talk about a new form of colonialism that we are now. kaloni lising, the atmosphere that is tightening the grit on, on the people who are already affect effected by, by historic exploitation and so on. and of course, this is also another symptom of that these, these crisis are interconnected. social inequality that the climate crisis also not further fueling. griffin berg writes, the climate crisis is of course only a symptom of a much larger sustainability crisis. tackling at course were ambitious solutions, life changing ones north and scandinavia is home to the last indigenous people of europe. but climate change is threatening the sammy reindeer herders way o