hoax or was it just a slow news day and they needed something to bitch about either way gretchen carlson steve doocy and brian kilmeade are all tools for wasting viewers' times with his stupid story. now more than one hundred senators and congressmen have signed on to a letter written by sen orrin hatch demanding that attorney general eric holder bring more prosecutions for violations of federal obscenity laws according to hatch and his colleagues we now know more about excuse me we know more now than ever about how legal adult obscenity important contributes to violence against women harm to children and sex trafficking and of this material harms individuals families and communities and the problems are only getting worse but do we really know these things and should this really be a priority for congress right now joining me to discuss it is chris clark logan with internet safety one or if and that will usher in chief of reason magazine thank you both for joining me tonight for starters can somebody explain to me exactly what obscenity is when it comes to pornography where you draw that line about