the second with david stockman and gretchen morgenson on "crony capitalism." in this edition, we'll look at a seminal moment when wall street and washington stacked the deck against the rest of us. remember, this is the political equivalent of a crime story, a mystery. how is it that our economy stopped working for the broad majority of americans? how did our political and financial class shift the benefits of the economy to the very top, while saddling us with greater debt and tearing new holes in the safety net? in other words, how did politics create a winner-take-all economy? well, it didn't happen by accident. this was an inside job, politically engineered by wall street and washington working hand-in-hand, sticky fingers with sticky fingers, to turn the legend of robin hood on its head -- giving to the rich and taking from everybody else. it's all on the record. the richest of the rich was citigroup, at one time the world's largest financial institution. when the 2008 meltdown hit, the bank cut more than 50,000 jobs, and taxpayers shelled out more than $