joining me now is gretchen rubin the author of the happiness project. and happier at home.professor at the princeton theological seminary. dr. drew ramsey author of 50 shades of kale and the happiness diet. an assistant clinical professor. and with us carmen wong olrich. i want to start with you grech in in part, the story of that founding document is pursuit of happiness was meant to be interchangeable with property. this idea that we can buy, we can consume our happiness. from what you know about happiness, how good is consumption, purchasing it. >> money cannot buy happiness. that's clear but it's also true that money can buy a lot of things to contribute. >> it can cushion the blow. >> it's like health. it's when you lack money. also money can buy things like a pet, it can allow us to travel, it can buy services for our family if somebody needs something, to have travel, great experiences. so there's a lot of ways in which money used wisely can contribute to a happy life f. you are just buying a new pair of boots or jeans, not going to do much. >> i wonder if there is a