it's really an image con consisting of black and white and greyish levels and it's probably not muchfor us who are seeing so well but for someone who had been blind it makes a lot of a difference to see again at least the surroundings in a blurry, greyish, black and white way and to be able to be confident in walking and we have patients who many are able to see a glass to lift a glass, to see a cup, a knife, a spoon or to go out there in nature and see a goose or something like that. >> charlie: who's eligible for this? >> all the patients who have lost the photoreceptors of the retina, and the retina is still in tact. so patients with hereditary retinal degeneration who have lost the rods and the cones and there are one in every 4,000 in new york has this condition. >> charlie: sandy as you're listening to this, tell me what you're thinking. >> well, it's inspiring, and i'm not a guy who likes the "i" word very much, but, you know, there are millions of these children how to there who, you know, where they they are blind and millions will be born who are blind. to make a long story