structural steel continues through grideline 13 taking trussle down between 13-14. in the eastern zone, the focus is still on the first and second lift walls all the way down to the beale street end of the project. the western zone they have completed the concourse wall. the third lift wall is completed in the western and central zones. and continues to move east in both the lower concourse slab and [th-eurs/] lift walls continue to move east into the eastern zone. bus ramp project as already mentioned nine of the 29 are complete and they poured one this last week. so that is moving along. there are the percentages of completion of the individual work activities. just moving right along very well. shimmick is doing a great job with the schedule on that. current work in the western zone, the focus on the upper left was getting the lower concourse cleaned out after the train box level all cleaned after placing the lower concourse work. on the right-hand side you may wonder what we're using styrofoam for? that is the beginning of the form work and that is much further