our political reporter gridley as the days development. >> president trump committed impeachable i crimes and misdemeanors. a as serious abuse of power because it undermines democracy itself. >> if what we are talking but is not impeachable the nothing is breathable. all by democrats all agreeing the president trump committed impeachable offenses or hike crimes and misdemeanors outlined by historical context. the four witnesses of hearing in the first impeachment hearing in the house judiciary committee after the house intelligence commit the approved the board accusing the president of abusing his power and have certain congress. alleged that pressured ukraine to investing in an hunter biden. >> i believe that this impeachment not only fails to satisfy the standards of pass impeachment. but with faded dangerous precedent for future in between the. >>> the caller jonathan truly was the lone dissenting voice. citing concerns about the strength of the evidence in our weekly the process did move. democrats questioned working to outline the record abusive power, bribery, and obstruction of ju