i have had conversations with -- with the chancellor, with chancellor griffen, we have had a few conversations with peter goldstein about this. this was a letter that again repredated my tenure as g.m. in june asking for a reconciliation with city college on various deeds for fields and facilities. there has been a year's worth of e-mail back and forth with city college and also -- also involving some of the -- of the group that is are here today. they discuss the challenge of not having -- having the -- the facility out there not leased in some of the budget challenges of our department and our desire to put out an r.f.q. and things that tom talked about. so, you know, sort of time back -- back to the outreach issue. we came here today, you know, the item proceeded and said look, there are ways in which we need to do better on outreach. this happens to be one where there's -- there's well oaf a year's worth of communication back and for the. while maybe not everybody -- knew exactly what was going on