these are the people picking up garbage, keeping the streets clean, abating griffey, trimming trees -- a bidding -- abating graffiti. those are the areas we have worked really hard to preserve services where we can. we only cut front line services after we have cut materials, supplies, managers, admen support, vehicles, workers' comp costs, which we do everything we can to preserve those for online services, but we are down to a point where it is getting more difficult to preserve those. a final note -- one of those services at risk are the maintenance of street trees. we're getting to the point where all we will really be able to do is respond to emergencies. one of the things we are contemplating is relinquishing responsibility of city- maintained street trees to the property owners, which is the case in most parts of the city, but in some parts of the city, some streets the city maintains the trees, and most parts, the property owner maintains. so it is not fair or equitable. it is not sustainable. that is one solution that we are looking at. i look forward to your comments, and fa