the grifters who are ripping off the public cannot pretend to be benefactors and aristocrats. without secrecy and contempt for the public. abuse of the public is what makes it work. the library commission has become the most egregious sunshine by later in san francisco because they got their positions by suppressing accountability and democracy. that is what corp. -- one donors get for their money. the sunshine task force found a violation to be so egregious that was a willful violation of the requirements of the sunshine ordinance. after being referred to the ethics commission, a report was issued, i like acting, and quietly required of all public officials. violator was reelected president of the library commission because this is the mandate of privatization. the victim of treatment was not me, but it could have been anyone. has become typical of the contempt for democracy as we become grateful slaves rather than citizens. please send letters to the ethics commission or come to the meeting of monday, june 11. you know very well the forces of abuse that are unleashed by allo