emails have been exchanged between delta dental and mitchell grigs on mr. rothman's issue with a detailed explanation as to why mr. rothman has received two eobs from delta dental. to reiterate, the executive director reports specific to delta dental being present during agenda item 6 during the director's report. i would like to express on behalf of delta dental we value sfhss as a client. to demonstrate this commitment today in partnering with sfhss to address the concerns from the commissioners and members, the following delta dental leadership is in attendance at this meeting: brian -- who is the director of national and special ed accounts, my boss. shelley walsh, director of markets enablement and operations; and you heard from mohammed navid, our group vice-president of sales and marketing. thank you. >> thank you. and we appreciate everyone's attendance to kind of hear i think some of the tenor, some of the frustrations that we are getting through -- from our members regarding some of these issues, and the continued work with abbie yant and our staf