the first governor-general of the vast and undeveloped region was his holiness prince grigoriymkin. citiesants, factories, create a fleet on the black and azov seas. all this was done in a short time. cities were built: kherson, nikolaev, nikopol, novomoskovsk, pavlograd, mariupol. on potemkin’s initiative, novorosiya grew into crimea, and instead of the village of khadzhibei , beautiful odessa, a pearl by the sea, arose. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine, that means she invited her there, that means the governor of odessa, that means duke dereshilye, in general it was a hadjibek, there was a village that didn’t represent anything at all, uh, he was the name odessa was very well remembered by everyone there, because at the entrance to odessa there was , that means fasting, well, quarantine, there, whatever, everyone who went out was asked where you were going, if he spoke to khadzhibey, then he was immediately beaten there, and catherine’s documents, and of course, materials about new russia crimea, these are unique sources, volumes, ekaterina wrote to the governor-general, w