igp, written on it, are mikhail and grigory pokrevsky, russian estates, who are the owners of the plant in general, on a stone or on a board, 1875. and this is just what we ... this is how many steam engines there are in the enterprise, how many workers, this is all described, i want to say about our enterprise, about our director, who is a caring person, who doesn’t want there to be nothing left, he wants everything to remain, the enterprise where he has been working practically for probably more than 30 years as a director, and even before that he worked as a deputy, so... and unusualness before life, maybe even like this, the desire for everything to be better, to be ahead of the rest of the planet, maybe even better than in europe. the distillery existed in pokroshevo until 1959, on the basis of an order for the management of the food industry and the council of the national economy of the bssr dated december 18, 1959 the distillery was converted into a canning and vinegar factory. and today it is a compact enterprise that produces high-quality products that are indispensable in the