and so the grimsley sisters came to philadelphia. they go to quaker meetings and their approach, the sisters approach, was that they are coming in to rescue. right. the black women's response to the sisters specifically the maps. douglass family, which was a leader, a leading family, and the fort and women and the purvis women, well, were very adamant that the sisters were coming into space that was already an activist. and so i really wanted to ensure that and point out that that was where that what gave the white family sisters the audience for the activism that they were producing because the black community already been doing it. and i also wanted to show that francis james graham key one of the key white family sisters nephew black nephews into the fort and family, his wife was charlotte fortin, who was the granddaughter of james morton. charlotte fortin was an extremely bright sort of intellectually black woman growing up in philadelphia. her mother had also been the product of a relationship between a white man and a black wom