. ♪ keep your nose on the grindstone and out of those pills ♪ ♪ daddy, i've been trying i just can'tnnouncer: all knotted up. >> player: clock's running. ♪ >> coach larry: this is the game. we win or lose on this play. >> cheerleaders: let's go mount view. [ cheers ] ♪ ♪ >> announcer: ball game. [ cheers and applause ] >> coach larry: hell of a job, young man. good job, coach. yes sir. >> garnet: what a win, what a win, what a win. ♪ >> coach larry: you're never going to forget this ball game. whenever you're in a bind, stuck in a corner, you know what i'm saying? fight through it. fight your way out of it. and anything you do in life, in school, in football. as long as you got me and these coaches, this community, that's all you need. >> team: yeah! ♪ >> sarah slone: i grew up here, got married here. it's home. >> mom: oh my goodness, there he is. i'm so proud of you. >> anthony: what are any of our hopes and dreams? a roof over our heads, some security, maybe even some happiness for our children. we all have that in common. >> richard rushbrook: i wish y'all could come down here an