>> grissom? his name was wayne marvin grissom, he was a captain. >> yeah. first of all, captains are spec 4s with manners. [laughter] >> i'll make sure he knows you said that. >> he'll understand because my brother-in-law is a captain. >> yeah. the question i had for you though that had to deal with in the beginning of your talk you mentioned the book about being a cathartic experience for you. and i know for several veterans, including my dad, you know, coming back home wasn't the best. you didn't really have the support that you to did for the other wars. so could you talk a little bit more about that cathartic experience and maybe how other veterans who maybe not have the gift of writing about their ordeal, but other ways to express -- because he never talked about any battle, any experiences he had. and i feel that part of that was maybe because some of it was classified, but some of it was that he just felt like it was going to be too emotional. so could you talk a little about that cathartic experience for you? >> my best friend -- by the way, your fa