is coming after that constitutional underpinning and the right to privacy to articulate in griswold connecticut, the contraception case printed they said because off all of these other rights, that would not make sense and there must be a right to privacy in the constitution. and then, and this is important, then the state still has a legitimate interest and without interest it cannot attach until the fetus is viable and until we get 24 weeks and their people, it's on demand, that is not the legal landscape that we all deal with and what we have is before viability, we treat w the womans a full person. after fetal viability we allow after the fetus can survive without the mother, into how that fetus moves honor goes on and can be extracted from the mother have some kind of a chance of survival and then we have - that is when he reset and he decided. when you remove the line from the fetal viability to anytime before that, and state of mississippi to six weeks so, you are monkey might not not have to say that you are obliterating it but you are the legal line we've drawn in this country with fet