a lot of people were shocked at what happened to the aftermath to grornlg floyd. one of the people who wasn't so much shocked but area it's almost like you were like, you were like this is what was bound to happen because of minneapolis' story. tell me a little bit about that and, and why you believe that. >> i would say not only just the history of the police in general, right, where we know that the roots of institution of police comes from slave catching and union busting, right, but in the city of minneapolis, the police department has only been here for about 150 years but we know before george floyd there is orlando castileo and terrence flank lynn and thurman blevin and marcus golen and vaughn lee and so many others. and minneapolis has been the poster child for reform, right. we had an openly gay indigenous woman as police chief, we received, not we, the minneapolis police department received a review from president obama's department of justice, they seen received a settlement to receive training to not put people, detainees in prone position which is the