we're in the middle of grosny.nd as if to prove to us that it's a very safe city he's now taken us on a walking tour. and everyone here knows who he is. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> translator: it's important that everyone grows up as a man. >> reporter: okay. [ laughter ]. >> reporter: so what we've got here is the typical act of a joking strongman. but what he's accused of is not a joke. presumably, he wants us to get into this car. is that the idea? is the police station staffed at night? [ speaking in foreign language ] >> translator: yeah, they'll be there. >> reporter: what do we know about this place? >> i don't know. >> keep rollin' james. >> reporter: we arrived to dozens of men. kalashnikovs at the ready. what happens inside the prison when we come back. what if i told you that i was gay? woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks