enjoying ourselves in the embarcadero area, where people at my party had decided to part get one of the grosz's at the port authority property, and we have learned that there had been people that were dressed as a tendency of those parking garages, but they turn out to be imposters, where they were taking the money from unsuspected customers -- dressed as attendants. it gave the impression that those people were parking their cars legitimately and legally, only to the surprise that they would go into their cars and find a ticket of violation because they appeared to be parking near ely, not legitimate. this one particular individual who was the cost of the garage had been arrested for the same violation over one dozen times. they had all been deemed misdemeanors, but this seems to be a problem growing in its impact throughout san francisco, but especially in the port authority area. i am submitting a resolution that the stake holders of these parties work with this on what i think will be a negative impact on tourists, especially as we have the america's cup coming to san francisco and other la