groucho marx, unless you can think of -- i think that's groucho marx. i think it's grouch marx. grouch marx. bailey: you bet your life! groucho marx is right! yeah! that's good for $100. it just came to me. whoo! [ laughing ] okay. big money. we might be able to do this. bailey: all right, six blocks to go. you have $350. here's your final $100 question. though it's minted miles away in south korea, what is the official currency of israel? israel. come on, we have to think of it. oh, geez. the, uh, um... [ speaking indistinctly ] five seconds. okay, we're doing a shout-out. all right, you want to use the street shout-out. yeah, street shout-out. choose wisely, and good luck. oh, see, right here. hi. could you help me? we're in the cash cab for money. here's the question. though it's minted miles away in south korea, what is the official currency of israel? i have no clue. mary: i guess we'll go with... i fail. i can't tell you. thank you. bailey: oh, not even a guess. oh, no, we've got five seconds. you guys are gonna have to take a guess. time's gonna run out. give me something