it's when you don't have those discussions angel labs into groupthink that i think can lead to dangerouslts. >> year and reminds me of a question from a reporter who shall be nameless who is here in the audience today, on september 6, 2006, when we rolled out the dod direct on detainees and it included -- this reporter, male or the know, said i understand it was actually a debate in the admin section of the whether to include this. and my response was yeah, there was. there was a robust debate. at the end of the day it was better for the system than that. all right, in the front. >> thanks. how are you? you take sharp issue, and i certainly agree with your criticisms of various legislative provisions. but you also describe the objectives of the administration as a stable, legally sustainable legal framework. and presumably the role of congress and the development of that framework is not zero. so my question is, if congress wanted to be constructive in helping to build that framework, what is the positive agenda that it should be thinking about, rather than these lists of restrictions on