difference and ensure there are all kinds of fabulous folks who do not get caught up in groups -- in groupthinkt the top of our organization. and if i may just take one minute for a final story, because i think in a way it's a punchline. one of the people who was an inspiration in this work was pat. she, a longtime chair of the task force is currently chairman of nbc news. she was remarkably honest about her success story, and she started off as a secretary at abc sports. she will tie you very frankly, she said look, i worked my tail off but i'v have also done one r thing enormously well. i am a fabulous protÉge. i've always known how to deliver, and how to make my boss looked great and how to be in his or her corner. now, her first protÉge is now the ceo of disney. they met at the xerox machine when she was starting off at abc sports. and that's the point she was not reporting to him, but he noticed her attitude as well as her work ethic, and broader onto his team. she delivered, and so did he. every time he got promoted he made sure that pat was first in line to fill its vacancy. and within a