rich, they definitely can’t be called rich; gardens grow in swamps, if, of course, they notice grubanovitchiable hands, so if you are an agricultural master, there are no obstacles for gardens to bloom in spring , and in the fall , the most delicious apples were poured because, as a native belarus, the tendency in me is that everything they should have their own. yes, they don’t ask from anyone, they don’t depend on anyone, because you know that belarus was limited at one time. eh, seh from everyone. yes, it is higher . yes, even today, with this state, everything is considered a return to the fact that belarus today has everything, from that apple to milk and everything else in the kaliningrad region. i want everything to be and not just to offer the region my seedlings, but also to show , to teach, to suggest, a kind of ambulance to local gardeners who can no longer and want to look back. sedom yes, it’s better to deal with undeniably a reliable partner viktor kornienko and he, of course, is also belarus one of his reliable ones he looks for and finds, of course, in belarus, if not all, t