last, just to reiterate, earlier i mentioned gsp and tpp as issues that may impact on how much there's willingness to work on agent orange issue. i would add two more. one recently, there is increasing concern about the human rights situation in vietnam, particularly treatment of the media and second the issue of workers rights continues to be ongoing issue between the united states and vietnamese government. so, did i provide you any answers? no. but i hope i provided you useful information. i will hand the podium over to the next speakers and i am ready and willing to answer questions later. thank you. [applause] okay. appreciate paul including me in this esteemed panel and new america hosting us. the focus of the article that i wrote for the package was really, or the purpose of it was to take a step back and say, what is the historical, legal, international context within which questions about u.s. obligations or the possibilities of u.s. action to remediate agent orange take place? are there, bases for obligation, either, legal, moral or political? or even just, possible leverages