most often a family member is a guardian.hen no one is available, an elderly person or a young one can become a ward of the state. as "america tonight's" sheila mcvicker found in her investigation of texas's guardianship system, it can be the first step to a terrifying isolation and end of control of our own lives. >> dorothy's life changed forever with a knock on her door. >> they said this would only take about three minutes. >> they were a couple of attorneys. it was the beginning of the end of dorothy luck's freedom to make her own decisions. first came a deposition, and then a doctor's report saying luck, 82 at the time, was partially incapacitated, incapable of making complex financial decisions. next, a judge appointed a lawyer to represent luck in court, a guardian to speak for her and another to handle her assets. at the time close to $2 million. >> i was not allowed to vote, to marry, to contract, to have my own money, to give gifts. >> you were under guardianship? >> yeah. >> how would you describe that? >> i would