seen this again and again that big media organizations that we have worked with like the guardian el pais new york times and dish beagle have censored al material against al agreements when they published it for political reasons or to protect. all the docs like to me from the ukraine who was hiding her wealth in london or big corrupt italian oil companies operating in cuz it's done we have proof of this because we know what the original document contains and we can see what they printed and we can see what they have have removed but it's seems to me that the correct approach to deal with monopolies and you will please and cartels you know market is to break them up. or to make it so it is very easy for you publishers to enter in to the market shouldn't you create a system that protects the ease of entry into the publishing market so that small publishers and individuals are protected and have no regulation and that these bigger publishers are broken up or are regulated. if you look at that not that is what we are trying to do julian for over two years we've had this debate about a new communications la