martinez has onn national guardsmaa's story on he's supporting his family...hat job comes along. along. follows --our servicememberss can bbing llt to the work force and connribute inna lot of ays. anddquite honestty, be independent. hey waattto be able to provide orr themselles.nats - "your resume has to pop" tte job was does not exist any more because of the cut backs. before he leet chrrs wiley as full-ttme for the georgia national ggardd so nowwthat that's not thereeannmore, and i'm havinggto get out there civilian world-it's a big change, a real big change.nats &pout there right now. the pressure is on, that's when i resumes out-seeding them out. is starting to kind of hit both of uu ow.he was making plooe to fifty thousaad polllrs a year befoore deployment, now he supports his family with ips.i nnw the jobs are out there but the thing is, there's so many people there but thh thing is, i know the jobs are out there but the thing is, there's so &pbe 20 jobs opee in one place, but yet 22000 people have applied ffr it. those arennt know, ou get hht ggod job,