. -- eisenhower about.us f guback to the 1980, it was admitted what started the vietnam war was a lie. saddam hussein gassed children, that turned out to be a lie. question we need to everything. this is ridiculous people just this. host: john, herndon, virginia, democrats line. john, go ahead. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. make sure people understand. people should get used to it presidents etent running this country for next four years. you have to understand one putin knows about donald trump is not capable of will take ing and he advantage every possible way. he will engage in europe. hewill engage united states, will see that how far we have to now our words t doesn't mean anything. when we say something, we don't up, we -- 59 missile to assad show us, see, i'm still flying that base you ombed, you guys had nothing to do with me. reality, this president will say something and we will saying that what he is was a lie. he say the barack obama nothing happened. -- says attacked rice and found lying.was the words have to mean something, president of the united stat