the morning, 1996, the war had begun, and my father’s brother put us on his red zhugul, we went to gudurmaion, there to moscow, in moscow we were met by my father’s friends, also chechens, and we moved from moscow by train to minsk, we arrived at night, rented apartment, there we were met by this chubby, also a chechen, he sat, ate meat, as i remember, well, in the morning my brother and i jumped out into the yard to have fun and let’s roll this swing back and forth, we rolled it so much that by the evening we broke out of two swings, only one remained, that’s it ... this is how our trip from chechnya to belarus took place, unfortunately, fortunately, i’m here. in 1996, and in principle there was nothing in the yard except a swing, one neighbor, he led a healthy lifestyle, decided to give us kids a gift, he put iron tennis in the yard with his own money. on table, we all dug four holes there together in order to concrete the table so that someone wouldn’t drag it to another area at night, and after the tennis table he put a horizontal bar, that’s how i began to instill in myself table tenn