guel, what about that? >> its deal with the general question. the constitution sets forth the oath that the president has to take. the oath he has to take his support and defend the solution. if athe constitution president believes a law is not constitutional, he has to comply with his oath and not defended the law. when he comes to that conclusion, the has to notify congress. inther that construct works this specific context is a little bit of a harder question. presidents take very seriously the notion that they are relying on their own independent conclusion as to the constitutionality of a law when they refuse to defend it. therefore the justice department, for decades, has taken the view that even if the incumbent executive does not agree with the statute, they will defend it so long as the justice department can think of arguments that will support it. examples isamous the first president bush did not like the cable act of 1992 when the cable companies to carry networks. it was not to be a violation of the first amendment -- it was thought