guffey hobby even. new hobby cuddling. hobby grumbling funny cat job leaseholder. together there are squad berlin this series with berlin arbeit. on facebook dot com slash d w general. when i'm traveling abroad and i tell people that i live here in germany the 1st thing they say to me is i love october fest and then i ask well you've been to munich right and usually the response is no we celebrate it in our hometown so it seems that october fest with its beer pretzels than anything sausage related is a major cultural export for our latest series october fest worldwide we travel to cincinnati ohio or not to which proudly celebrates its german roots. mini's hot dog costume is a good fit. make sure the bun is not relieved not. she's been to the cincinnati october fest which traditionally starts with the wiener dog race 3 times already going to have. sarah have a day has high hopes for many getting her 1st victory this time around do you truly . think this is because it's a german thing this is a german city these are german dogs and i think people just love having the