for instance, gui chunhui -- who also goes by the alias kandygoo, a clever way to pass for an american, name yourself after our two most popular foods -- and the infamous wang dong, whose name in english translates to peter johnson, jr. (laughter) it is about time they nailed wang dong! i get email offers from wang dong all the time and the pills he soled me never arrived. now how will she call me mr. pleasure at sight of extraordinary power manhood? in an attempt to give an edge to chinese industries, these guys stole trade secrets from corporations like westinghouse, u.s. steel, alcoa and the renewable energy company solar world. of course, the chinese can't do their own sorely research since they no longer have access to the sun. (laughter) folks, this is a major threat to our financial future. the chinese already know how to manufacture all our electronics. now they're trying to learn how to design them. if they also figure out how to buy them and drop them in the toilet when they're drunk, america will have no no role in the world economy! and just listen to the devious way they c