following graduation from law school, professor magali oka as a law clerk to the famed judge guido calabrese easy on the u.s. court of appeals for the second circuit. judge calabrese, as he was my torts professor in law school, and i know that both professor magli oka and i learned a great of law and history and wisdom from judge calabrese, professor mack leocha teaches and writes in the field constitutional law and the author of the book washing tins air the life of justice bushrod washington. professor magliozzi has authored four other books and, more than 30 articles on constitutional law and intellectual property. his sixth book will be released in 2025. it will be about the youngstown case and justice robert jackson. or, as we now like to refer to him, the first justice jackson. i look forward to that book as well. i could say more, but that would take away from our time to hear about justice. bushrod washington. please join me in welcoming professor gerard magliocca gerard magliocca. thank you. chilton. thank you, chilton. thank you, justice kavanaugh. thank you all for coming. are you