and what about guidukov? guidukov seemed to disappear into thin air.? maybe coffee? thank you, hello, said, i think we missed something, check again, maybe your brave guys noticed something but didn’t pay attention, good afternoon, hello, come in, would you like to take a photo, dear? for portvillet, for a passport, for the soul, you make sticky documents, it’s already funny, well, then let’s laugh together, it hurts, what are you doing, let him go, i saw him, he’s not there, he’s a woman from him? i went as i wanted, my passport, someone tugged at the foreign tourist, i needed a photo change where he’s going, a reliable person is waiting for him in kaliningrad, we’ll come already, let me help you, don’t worry, i ’m a ferist, don’t be afraid, thank you, son, okay. thank you, all the best, goodbye, thank you very much. open, stand and move, guys, what are you, block the exits, block the exit, take this one, he figured us out, only novchensky, there, you go to the left, i'm to the right, stop, where, you can't, closed, stand, stand, run and run , where d