>> we see this as a human rights guileation. guileation. guileation. -- violation. it's my opinion that the sense of sexual expression, sexual feeling should be one of the basic human senses. and that if we look at this as we do vision or the sense of taste or hearing, imagine if our little girls were having that taken from them at that age. this is the consequence that f g.m. holds, in my opinion. >> miriam, i read accounts of many women who have been through f g.m., they feel fear and humiliation. they are afraid to go to the doctor. were you afraid to go to a gynaecologist. >> yes, because i didn't expect a gynaecologist to know and i felt like having to go there, and explain what happened to me or something that i wasn't ready to do. and i felt strange. i felt different from other females, and it was one of the things that prevented me from sticking a gynaecologists health. it's not just me it's other females that go through the same thing. i know people that have gone through humiliating experiences during their visit to the gynecologist or o.b.g.y.n. because s