jack [inaudible] guillermo rodriguez of department of environment and guillermo rodriguez is here. the san francisco chamber of commerce was helpful convening businesses and help improve the legislation, your executive director regina who is my prezsiser. the california grocer association, wall greens, the postal chase and all the companies that helped refine the legislation and legendary city attorney tom owen. this legislation sh carefully crafted to help businesses comply kw and accommodate. we provided a waver condition for those cases where there is no feasible alternative to poly styrene. the department of environment drafted a waver for pharmacy squz drug companies who ship medications. we wirk with grogess. goods or foods outside the city are not subject for the ban and nat isn't lack of will but lack of legal authority. reusing the materials is still allowed and donating poly styrene and usesing those materials is still allowed as well. the engoal is clear, stop the environmental and public health harm. poly styrene packaging is used for maybe a week or two and sometimes l