. >> now, after decades in the bs, kate's going solo with a song "guitars and microphones" - a look back at her life. the video; however, backfired among some in the transgender community who called it stereotypical and degrading. >> i care a lot about gay marriage and equality and i've always been very supportive of trans people. >> i spoke with kate pierson at her private recording studio in woodstock, new york where she lives with her partner monica. >> i think most people look at you and their reputation of you is beehives, crazy dancing, love shack, what more is there to kate pierson? >> ooh, well it's all that, it's all that. um, no beehive. beehives, we sort of put them, well we revive them sometimes. >> you are now a solo artist. >> yes. >> your first solo album coming up, i heard it took you a long time to put this together. why? >> it didn't take so long to put it together, it just took me a long time uh, to start it because it's a lifelong thing. i've always wanted to do a solo project. i've always known i wanted to be a musician. i've always wanted to be a musician. i love mu