construction of the new city in guizhou began two years ago.n electronic equipment maker built a plant that employs 300 workers. >> translator: life has gotten better since i moved to the city. i'm enjoying every day. >> but, it's too early to declare the plan a success. as small cities pop up competition to attract companies will intensify. some question whether they will be able to bring in promising businesses. and not everybody is happy about the relocation program. these farmers are in their 50s. they've been told to move to the new city. authorities have already cut off water for their rice paddies. they have to quit farming soon. >> translator: we want to live in this village but we have to do what the authorities say. >> once they move they will have to find jobs. but they spent most of their lives working on their farm. >> translator: we're really worried that we won't be able to find jobs, and our lives will be tough. >> well, we saw from that report that the plan isn't necessarily delivering what residents want. >> no, it's not. actu