. >> brown: there was a meeting, in fact of, of the gcc, the gulf gulf cooperation council. there was a meeting-- saudi arabia. you say they are putting pressure on the bahraini government? >> i think so. they called as soon as the these broke out, the demonstrations, they called an emergency meeting of the foreign ministers in bahrain itself and they came there, up-- bahrain is tied to saudi arabia almost like annum bill call cord. there is a causeway that runs across from the eastern province of saudi arabia where all of the oil is and runs over to bahrain which is a 70% shi'a population. as it happens, the population of the eastern province of saudi arabia is also shi'a, dominantly. and i think the saudies are really frightened that the kinship relationships between the shi'a in bahrain is going to spill over that causeway and affect the shi'a in their country. i think they're offering bahrain anything that they need to put a stop to this opinions so when you think now about the potential effectiveness of these new strong arm active-- tactics, i guess the question is how