mediterranean coast of southern italy, a threat looms on the picturesque horizon.residents of the gulf of naples are at the mercy of mount ves-oo-vius. in the nearby suburb of potsuolli lie the flegrean fields - a vast area full of volcanic activity. the fields may not be as well known as mount vesoovius - but they pose a considerable threat. seismologist nicóla alessandro pino is concerned about the pressure mounting under the earth's surface. and residents are being warned to prepare for the worst case scenario. jets of sulphurous steam rise into the skies near naples. a city of 3 million, teetering on the edge of a dangerous supervolcano. but it's not mount vesuvius -- it's the 150 square kilometer phlegraean fields. seismologist nicola alessandro pino is in pozzuoli, a suburb of naples. he is here to examine what is happening in the harbor. it may look like the tide has gone out, and the water level is low, but that's not what has happened. the quay, the rocks, even the whole town - is rising out of the sea. over three kilometers of the earth's crust, lifted more than a meter - you can imagi