you do polling, the moral acceptability of infidelity is really low. 91% of people polled in the gullupof people, it is an abomination. it should not be tolerated. it should be punished. 7% think it is okay. now, forget it, right? so meanwhile, 6% of the same people believe divorce is acceptable. morally. 15%, more than double, believe that suicide is morally correct. in other words, two times as many people believe killing yourself is more morally appropriate act than infidelity. >> the divorce right rait in this country 53%. i would like to suggest in front of everybody that watches this program and watches tv that a super majority of all marriages and relationships, people are cheating. they are cheating because they are not talking to each other. it is just that simple. >> in other words, if you are in a state of engagement, if you are not resolving your relationship on a day-to-day basis, sexually, business, life, whatever it is. if you are not in an active state of resolution, which is scary and hard and people don't like to do it pz because of that, you can be in this active stat