trouble that of cour is when agt%chrisá is here on eartchrist himself saiin @ e new stament is gumby ibulation bendhathas ever been before like never s b#en before hen earth al andsalm 22 talked about the sacres of david's time in@other words blood sacrifice ofmals psalm 20, rm-up psa&m 22 whicishere we saw the crucifixion of chrt on t cross that changed everying as far as the means of atonement al and psalm 20 saw tde fact the wked trus in chariots anhorses in themselv weapons shields a speatc. were as the righteous trt our heavenly father not inhe things of the world with the and reduion rootgo with alm 31 verse one of the psalm of davib and ireads orou can think of this i've fd for refuge don't foet ts have to do wit the time. just before jesus returns at the second advent antichsts gointo be here og earth áhat's en y rea&ly better remember take th to a spiritual level as wells physica& level you @ can go to ur heavenly ther i ke refuge h anytime any place no mter where you are wi áheituation o course you should neveforget clear leak in the antichrist will be here let me never be @ ashamed tohis wo