. >> gerry stoudemire is president of the gun owners club of south carolina, and works closely with the nra here. >> ok, right now it is loaded and ready to fire... >> it's empty. there are millions of guns sold every year in the us that never hurt anybody. and the people don't intend to hurt anybody. the purpose for buying it was not for doing harm to another person. but for shooting. >> so you think that the laws that are in place right now are the right ones? no more laws are necessary? >> i feel that we have plenty of laws in effect that are not being enforced. >> for example? >> people that are prohibited from having guns or shooting people everyday with them. what's the penalty for getting, for doing it? are we enforcing the penalty, or are we having a revolving court system that just puts them right back on the street and they do it again the next day. this is what i've see the problem to be. we've got to make... every crime has got to have a penalty and it's got to be enforced. >> but in a majority of states, including south carolina, officers aren't required to seize a gun if s