gunam was gunmen and you must have way out it whether got worse and worse in the winter was setting in on dunlab magellan decided to make a stop and obey and had a natural harbor what he named it's on holly on a m all portable is william realizing they were in for the long haul, magellan issued orders that the food be distributed carefully so it would last longer. it was very cold and there was no hope of finding the end of that dry land, nor the passage to the other seat. they were seeking, as in boy, magellan remained in san holy on harbor for 148 days, and no one understood why he stayed there for so long or guest on. i did not look at been so many doubts began to mount over magellan ability to lead such a long voy, joe angel is always gentle. the captain's of the other 4 ships plotted to assassinate captain magellan. the plot was uncovered. one man was dismember and another stabbed to death with it's actually got o janice, of course in italy, magellan wanted to hang along with 40 others, but he decided to get that done so quick as were to go because he needed the manpower to look a