pipes that vermont yankee originally claimed did not exist until after the 1st leak was discovered gunderson was on the public. oversight panel we yankee made false statements after parent company says it was miscommunication nothing more the radioactive water contained tritium lots of tritium but it also contained other isotopes he contained strontium 90 which is a bone seeker and causes leukemia because cesium 137 which is a muscle seeker causes heart disease they contain cobalt 60 which is a very high energy gamma source then a whole bunch of other isotopes minimal all of those started to work their way into the soil and has definitely entered the connecticut river trivium and all these radioactive isotopes can cause cancer. why is the tritium leak of concern to us ground water down there is being threatened and potentially the river water is being threatened something needs to be done right now i believe that planners and say we have buried corroded pipes that are way beyond their design life. this problem is not only are my yankee this problem is country wide maybe worldwide. we were to