gunderson the exhibition brought tears to my eyes i love my country and the party leadership. without the communist party leadership this enormous challenge will not be overcome to keep that in the genes you. the artwork leaves little room for interpretation the message is clear under communist leadership china has managed to contain the virus. front and center and yet somehow relegated to the sidelines the nameless helpers who work themselves to exhaustion to repel the pandemic. for us even staying at home was a patriotic duty we didn't know what the people in the front line had to sacrifice . i'm proud that china has the pandemic under control. china's leadership has cast itself as the savior of the nation and as a friend in need abroad. which friends will in the global struggle against the virus we have acted with wisdom and strength. we have filled our international duties responsibly and with transparency. in beijing's great hall of the people there is no room for doubt and this is no time for admitting mistakes. the country's foremost coronavirus expert is honored by bei