gurinder really put the indian culture on the, "ok, this is the barriers you have to face, this "is what you have to do." she added such great, quirky humour and educated. don't you want all of this? it's the best day. of your life, innit! i want more than this. you don't have to just be one thing. you can be multiple things. and i think that's what the film really, really kind of explores. for so many women across society, it's — you're a black woman, you're a muslim woman, you're a white woman, you're british asian. there's got to be a label for it. and i think what bend it like beckham does really well is showcase that intersectionality — jess is british asian, but she loves football, she respects her culture, she loves her culture, she's proud of her culture, she's all those things, she's not fitting in one box. we have so many different elements to who we are as people, and bend it like beckham celebrates all of that. # i don't care what the people say... but it wasn't just a success in the uk. it was a huge hit globally.