(archhve 10-25-11) (10:56:05) (gus baumonn "the reality is the need ii billions and billlons of dollars as far as i'm coocerned i'd just like to get to second base and see how we do...." but there may be a deeper reassn for the sttteeof disrepairs. in a new book, called the road ahead, suggests transportation departments should be prrvatized.....and taken out of the hands of government leaders. (11:18:48) (tarnoof) "eeery politician wants to see improvemeets made though though the next n - neighborhood over has more severe problems...." ii action isn't taken soon....tarnoff predicts roads (11:20::0) (tarnoff) "iid like to say ten-years from now we''l referrto 2011 as the good ole days...." (13:25:07) (gail cole) "i shouldn't have to deal with this many problems on the & hour... p in our 6 o'clock - old banks statements...legal papers...or ccedit card statements..bring it here... when you can start bringgng your sensitive documents for thonngood news for the ravens...despite theeloss seattle...they're record under poacc harbaugh. 3 ♪ ♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no do